Fundada en 2001 Guía de Recursos Educativos en Red Domingo, 19 de Mayo de 2024
Segunda mano

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Madrid

Profesor de ingles

Profesor de ingles

My name is Matthew Lawson. I'm a native English teacher; born and raised in Manchester and currently working from London. I am Cambridge CELTA-qualified and have five years' teaching experience in the classroom and online. I have taught in the UK, Spain (TECS academy, Andalucia) and Poland. I offer the full range of classes – grammar, vocabulary, exam preparation, English aimed at specific fields of work or study (engineering, science, design, etc.) and, of course, conversation classes! I love my language and If you are interested in improving your level of English, having fun in your lessons and experiencing a new way of learning my la

25 €

Precio: 25€

Clases particulares en Girona

Aprende o mejora tu inglés

Aprende o mejora tu inglés

Clases particularesHola! Me sobran unas horas en el día y he decidido dedicarlas a ayudar a personas con inquietudes o intereses en el idioma inglés. He vivido en total unos 9 años en países de habla inglesa y me dedico profesionalmente a entornos internacionales de negocios. Por otro lado, tengo amplios conocimientos en psicopedagogía y Diplomatura en Magisterio, que cursé aparte de otros estudios técnicos. Ens podem comunicar en català o castellà, és clar, encara que les classes seran únicament en anglès a mesura que es pugui, i tenint en compte que l'objectiu primer és aprendre. Primera reunió i prova de nivell gratis.

Precio A convenir

Spanish classes en Madrid

Professor de ingles nativo ONLINE

Professor de ingles nativo ONLINE

Se imparten classes de ingles online a individuos o grupos reducidos, a través de la plataforma Zoom: Apoyo para estudiantes de secundaria y universitarios; conversacion; ingles para negocios. Soy especialista en la preparacion para IELTS y otros examenes de Cambridge?EOI (A2-C2). Horas a convenir. Contactar al Whatsapp +44 7471978984.

Precio A convenir

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Barcelona

Profesor de guitarra (Guitar teacher)

Profesor de guitarra (Guitar teacher)

Degree qualified teacher with 30 years’ experience teaching classical, acoustic & electric guitar, theory, composition, arranging and music production mostly in English with intermediate Spanish. I adapt to the needs and goals of the student, but a typical 1st year class for classical or acoustic guitar would involve focussing on a variety of pieces in different styles, e.g. Classical, pop, jazz and suggestions of any helpful technical exercises/scales, reading, rhythm playing, expanding chord/harmony knowledge and supporting theory. In time I would include new techniques as required by the piece and style and improvisation/composition

20 €

Precio: 20€

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Pontevedra



Hello, I would like to help you improve your English level whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced. I encourage my students to speak and then I introduce the teachings on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation according to how they speak in every class. Whether you need to pass a C1 or C2 level exam or just want to get confident in English in order to travel, I design the classes according to your particular needs. Contact me and let me know how I can help you.

15 €

Precio: 15€

Cursos en Madrid

Ingles profesional adultos y sesiones de conversacion

Ingles profesional adultos y sesiones de conversacion

CLASES DE INGLES Preparacion a Examenes especificos. Oposiciones Titulaciones Aptis Toeic slp etc INGLES PARA LA SUPERVIVENCIA Como sobrevivir en otro pais, trabajo. Entrevistas Speaking sesiones: 30 mnts One to one classes

13 €

Precio: 13€

Spanish classes en Lleida

Classes de cant ONLINE i presencials

Classes de cant ONLINE i presencials

Sóc professora de cant i vocal coach titulada, especialitzada en cant modern i estudis de cant clàssic Ofereixo classes tan presencials com online Pots donar un cop d’ull a la meva web per més info

Precio A convenir

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Barcelona

Classes matemàtiques i física

Classes matemàtiques i física

Matemàtiques, estadística, física... Classes particulars a domicili. Tots els pobles de la comarca

Precio A convenir

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Málaga

Bible course free in English and Spanish by Zoom

Bible course free in English and Spanish by Zoom

I offer free Bible lessons by Zoom. It could be in English or Spanish. Se ofrecen clases gratis de la Biblia por Zoom. Pueden ser en Inglés o Español.

Precio A convenir

Clases particulares en Málaga

Clases gratis de la Biblia en español e inglés por Zoom

Clases gratis de la Biblia en español e inglés por Zoom

Se ofrecen clases gratis de la Biblia por Zoom. Pueden ser en Inglés o Español. I offer free Bible lessons by Zoom. It could be in English or Spanish.

Precio A convenir

Spanish classes en Las Palmas

Spanish lessons

Spanish lessons

I'm Canarian veterinary student , I'm 21 years old . I offer Spanish lessons for anyone who wants conversation class or improve on the Spanish grammar. I also prepare for official exams or any objective you may have. I'm available in the afternoon . If you have any questions , call me and I will be happy to solve them

16 €

Precio: 16€

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Alicante

Classes particulars de valencià

Classes particulars de valencià

Hola! Estic preparant-me el nivell C2 (superior) de valencià, i m´agradaria ajudar mentrestant estudie. 🧑‍🏫 Classes de valencià a Elx 🌴 i pedanies en format online o presencial, com vos vinga de gust. Nois i noies de primària i secundària, fins i tot batxillerat. ⏰ Horari vespertí, de dilluns a dijous. Estima per la llengua, responsabilitat i ganes d´aportar el meu gra de sorra! 💻 Contacta´m sense compromís, primer al correu. Ara que ha començat el curs, una mà extra sempre ve bé! ‼️ (També puc donar suport a Llengua Castellana i Anglès, tot és org

7 €

Precio: 7€

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Barcelona

Classes particulars

Classes particulars

Soc estudiant de Física i Matemàtiques. Ofereixo classes de reforç per a alumnes d'ESO i Batxillerat que en necessitin. Tinc experiència fent classes particulars i em motiva molt fer-les: transmetre els coneixements a l'alumne o l'alumna i que això es reflecteixi en el seu rendiment acadèmic. Estic a la zona de Sants/Eixample esquerra i el preu per hora és de 12 euros (podem parlar-ne). No ho deixis pel final!

12 €

Precio: 12€

Cursos en Barcelona

Online conversation classes - Russian

Online conversation classes - Russian

If you are learning Russian I can help you to improve it! Feel free to contact me, dears :)

7 €

Precio: 7€

Spanish classes en Madrid

Profesor Nativo de Inglés

Profesor Nativo de Inglés

Profesor nativo se ofrece para dar classes de ingles y tambien de francés a particulares, Academias y empresas. También preparo alumnos para los exámenes oficiales: Cambridge First, CAE y Proficiency IELTS TOEFL etc

Precio A convenir

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Las Palmas

Spanish lesson with qualified and native teacher

Spanish lesson with qualified and native teacher

Do you want to learn Spanish? A Fully Qualified Spanish and native teacher can help you. Customized courses focus on your needs (academic goals, Spanish exams, conversational and grammar skills, etc.).Enjoy the process of learning a beautiful language that will open the doors of your professional future and at the same time take the opportunity of discovering the Spanish-speaking country's culture. Achieve the highest level of Spanish without pressure and find out how great it feels to learn a new language! Type of lesson: One-to-one lessons and small groups.

Precio A convenir

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Barcelona

Classes particulars

Classes particulars

Hola!!! Em dic Laia i sóc estudiant de Pedagogia a la Universitat de Barcelona.   Ofereixo classes particulars de reforç per alumnes de Primària i ESO. Les classes es poden impartir tant en català com en castellà.   També hi ha possibilitat de fer-les online.   Per més informació (horaris i preus poseu-vos en contacte via whatssap o mail).

Precio A convenir

Clases particulares en Madrid

Clases de inglés

Clases de inglés

Do you want to learn English or to improve your fluency and skills? Are you tired of boring, non useful English lessons? Then we can solve this situation by tailoring the lessons according to your objectives and needs, with dynamic customized lessons from the comfort of your home! I have different courses for different levels and for several topics such as Business English, English for Travelling, English for Tourism, and many more. I teach from Beginner to Upper-Intermediate levels and I make sure that my lesson is dynamic, entertaining and fun! Always taking into account your interests and aims. I use Audio Materi

9 €

Precio: 9€

Spanish classes en Baleares

Clases particulares de inglés y español

Clases particulares de inglés y español

Persona titulada, se ofrece dar clases particulares de español para extranjeros de conversación o gramática via zoom o presencial. Tambien clases de repaso para reforzar el inglés. spanish conversation for foreigners in person o via zoom aswell as grammar basic teachings. loose your fear and start a daily practice

12 €

Precio: 12€

Estudiantes Spanish classes en Sevilla

Ofrezco clases de ingles - Celta and MA qualified teacher

Ofrezco clases de ingles - Celta and MA qualified teacher

I am a highly experienced, Celta qualified English teacher living in Montequinto. I am available for presential or online classes for all ages and all levels. I specialise in teaching adults and preparing Cambridge exams, but I am very adaptable and professional in all circumstances. I can teach groups or one-to-ones, I drive my own car, so I can move around if necessary. My classes are extremely communicative and dynamic. You will enjoy yourself but also learn efficiently. Please feel free to write me a whatsapp any time you want.

13 €

Precio: 13€

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